Monday 3 March 2014

Supernatural – A review
(aka: How I stumbled on this show and fell into the wagon of feels and fandom galore…)

I first discovered Supernatural when my friend recommended the series to me and bugged me to watch an episode. Now being a fan of science-fiction films and shows I was quite interested and excited to watch an episode, however when I did watch the very first one online, I was unfortunately left a little disappointed at the end. I don’t know what it was, but it didn’t really entice me as much as I had hoped. I told this to my friend the next day where she convinced me to give it another try. I watched another episode and well, it was like lighting a match, I fell in love with it, and to quote Hazel Grace from The Fault In Our Stars “I fell in love the way you fall asleep, slowly and then all at once.” And as I continued to watch, episode after episode, the story line really kicked in and left me speechless, wanting more. It is now my favourite show. There are nine seasons of the series to date and in every season there are about 23 episodes. The series is ongoing and still has a strong and endearing story line, with complex character growth and development, which is one of the many reasons why it’s amazing.

To explain the story briefly, Supernatural is the story of two brothers named Sam and Dean Winchester, who travel around America, killing monsters and paranormal creatures. It all started when Sam's mother was brutally killed by a demon named Azazel when Dean was five years and Sam only a few months old. This drove their father to learn and hunt the dark unknown creatures of this world, dragging his two sons along with him on this nightmare of a life. The show skips to the present day and Sam and Dean’s real adventure begins with the lines:

“Dad’s on a hunting trip, and he hasn't been home in a few days.”

The story becomes very complicated after that and it would take me forever to explain it all, but it’s honestly one of the most heart-breaking shows I've ever seen, many beloved characters are killed and Dean’s self-hatred really brings one to tears. I feel like Dean’s father, John, played a big part in this, always using and treating Dean like a soldier, I suppose it wasn't his fault entirely however it was his responsibility and he is definitely to blame, which is one of the reasons I don’t particularly like John. Sam is also a strong character and has always wanted a normal life, even though all he is and has is far from it.

However my favourite character is Castiel, the “Angel of the Lord” because his epic arrival in Supernatural gave it new depth and uncharted territories to cross. I absolutely love the friendship between Castiel and Dean, they just have a beautiful chemistry and together with Sam, they are like a family; I also feel like Dean finds someone to trust and talk to in Cas, and doesn't feel so alone when he’s with him. Castiel is like a second brother to him. These three, along with the help of many others, helped to stop Armageddon and potentially the end of the world; they are the rebellious “Team Free Will”, but they are mostly three broken men (well one is an angel but his feelings are what make him so much more human) that have seen the true horrors of life but still go on, staying by each other’s side through thick and thin, a family, however dysfunctional, but still a family, because as someone they knew once said:

“Family don’t end with blood.”

Overall, I always enjoy watching this series because of its complex, but beautifully heart-breaking story line that simply shows the chaotic lives of these two brothers and angel, the bond between them and the cruel reality of the world they live in. I highly recommend this to you if you have yet to watch it and if you have, then feel free to send in your thoughts and reviews on Supernatural.
I would love to hear from you!
Thanks for reading.

(P.S: For awesome fandom t-shirts and cool tees visit

By: Narges M.

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